The YPROXIM1 Yocto Proximity sensor is a Swiss-made USB proximity sensor. It uses a pretty simple principle: the sensor part emits pulsed infrared light and measures reflection on nearby objects. Thanks to filters, ambient infrared light has very little effect on it, as long as the detector is not saturated. Beware, the sensor performance depends directly on the target color: a white object can be detected up to ~10cm, but a black and mat object can be detected up to ~2cm only.
The Yocto Proximity sensor can also give estimation of visible and infrared ambient light. Measurements can be directly read via USB or stored on the device internal flash for later retrieval when connected again by USB.
This device has been designed so that the sensor itself can be moved further away from the USB by a few meters: simply split the board into two parts and solder a 4-wire cable on the designated pads.
This device can be connected directly to an Ethernet network using a YoctoHub Ethernet, to a WiFi network using a YoctoHub Wireless-g, it can even be connected to a GSM network thanks to the YoctoHub GSM.
USB cables and enclosure to be ordered separately.
Specifications of YPROXIM1 Yocto Proximity sensor
Manufacturer Product Number –Â YPROXIM1
Product name –Â Yocto-Proximity
Width –Â 20mm
Length –Â 35.5mm
Weight –Â 3g
USB connector –Â micro-B
Refresh rate –Â 10Hz
Measuring range –Â <10cm
Chipset –Â RPR-0521RS
Technology –Â Pulsed infrared
Supported Operating Systems – Windows, Linux (Intel + ARM), Mac OS X, Android
Drivers –Â no driver needed
API / SDK / Libraries (USB+TCP) –Â C++, Objective-C, C#, VB .NET, Delphi, Python, Java/Android
API / SDK / Libraries (TCP only) –Â Javascript, Node.js, PHP, Java
RoHS –Â yes
Suggested enclosure – YoctoBox-Short-Thin-Black-Prox
Made in Switzerland
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